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Tatjana Zonca is an Italian-German artist who spent her life between Germany, Italy and the United Kingdom. She currently lives and works in Milan. Her works have been exhibited in Milan, Rome, Berlin, Barcelona and London.

Her creative journey began in fashion, but it was during her years in Hamburg that Zonca approached serigraphy, a technique that allows her to combine photography with digital art, becoming her first focus of interest. Zonca's work, in its making, resembles a complex reflection on time, both in the practical process, in which the pure photographic shot is transformed, modified and distorted, and in the result. The artist starts from photographs taken during her numerous travels or in moments of her life; at a later stage these images are overlapped and distorted until they become eternal and suspended fragments, in which time compresses and expands, evanescent images of our memory, as in a dream. We can recognize elements such as the sea, the landscape, some human figures, visions of a distant time as in old film rolls. Finally, the most artisanal and manual process comes into play, that of serigraphy: the result are unique pieces that differs for small color variations.

Zonca's work seems to be divided into three different moments: the time of the instant, that of the shot, the time of memory in which the artist returns to look at the images and the time of creation in the studio. Each of these three moments, different in intensity, duration, attitude, corresponds to a different type of emotion. Although the images represented are from her experience, the transversal theme that characterizes all of Zonca's production is time and its nuances, its dilations and compressions.


Via Milazzo 6

(+39) 375 519 7217


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2021     by Camilla Prini

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